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What Is 7th Sea?

More than a gaming channel

The 7th Sea is a channel by fans of gaming, skits, and anime, for fans of gaming, skits, and anime. We first launched in mid 2016, with the captain, Skully starting gameplay walkthroughs of popular videogames. Over the following months, the platform has gained new members, such as Tree, and Jumpsuit, and we are currently planning even more projects and ideas down the line. There will even be big collaborations with other channels and studios, like Silowet, where Skully and the crew work on voicing characters and writing series that are currently being worked on. With our Tumblr, Facebook, and now our own official website, the crew can keep in touch with the most important part of the 7th Sea: YOU, the fans. 


Have an inquiry for Skully? An idea for a video or a game you want played? Feel free to email us!


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